4 Earth-Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips
4 Earth-Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips
Spring is finally here!
After a long winter, the clocks have finally leapt forward here in the UK - meaning lovely long evenings are finally here. We can almost smell the summer evenings: eating outside, watching the sunset with a flask or reading in the back garden until it gets dark.
In preparation for the summer, and after our hibernation this winter, we are starting to think about the big spring clean we all dread this time of year.
But instead of fretting about the seemingly insurmountable task, why not work with yourself and the planet this year? Together, the team at Plastics Free have collected our tips and tricks for refreshing our homes after the long winter, ready for a fresh start this Spring - keeping the planet in mind.
Let’s get started!
1. Make a plan
Before getting started, a great way to begin the big spring clean is to break it up into achievable chunks and spread it out across a time period of your choice: this could be a weekend; a week or over the span of a month.
A great way to start is working room by room, and making a list of what needs to be done in each space. There is nothing better than ticking a task off a to-do list!
2. Declutter
Photo Credit: www.dreamorganizationny.com
Studies show that a disorganised home adds to stress level, signalling your brain that work isn’t done. Especially if you’re mostly working from home, keeping a tidy work space is more important than ever. You will be surprised how fresh you feel after you eliminate unnecessary stress from your life! Set aside some time and add it to your to-do list:
- Dust and organise your office
- Look through your junk drawer and compose, recycle or bin unused items
- Repurpose those empty jars or bottles by filling them up with herbs and spices, or little trinkets. That old band T-shirt? Turn it into a cleaning cloth or a broom mop instead
- Organise your wardrobe and drawers
- Find your items a home. Store things in storage baskets or boxes. Keeping things to a minimum and storing them where it “makes sense” will ensure that what you DO need to store will be that much easier to find
- For easy and simple labelling: Use a plastic-free, kraft paper tape!
3. Stock up, think green when you spring clean
To make this spring clean easier, you need the right tools! Conduct a cleaning cupboard audit - Do you have what you need? Before hurrying off to the shop to purchase your cleaning products, consider using planet-friendly products - they are usually compostable, non-toxin, plant-based, everything you and your planet will thank you for.
You want to start Spring off on a clean note, so don’t expose yourself to chemicals and toxins.
Here are a few of our favourites to get you started. Shop our full cleaning range on our website here.
Refill Pods
You want to start Spring off on a clean note, so don’t expose yourself to chemicals and toxins. Try these plant-based, non-toxin cleaning refill pods that can be put into your own reusable bottles - Just one drop/pod in your reusable bottle and it can last you for months (or weeks, depending on how often you use it - no judgment there!).
Click here for these powerful, non-toxin cleaning pods.
Refill Bottles
Looking for the perfect reusable companion for your cleaning pods? Look no further! These durable aluminium bottles can be reused over and over again.
Click here for our refillable aluminium bottles.
Did you know that plastic sponges can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfill? What is worse is that even when they decompose, they release microplastics into our waterways! Make a simple swap whilst spring cleaning this year which lasts longer and works better then the plastic alternative - even better is they come in completely recyclable packaging and are biodegradable!
Click here for our compostable sponges.
Natural Stain Remover
Going through your wardrobe and finding clothes that you've not been wearing because of that odd stain? Our bestselling natural stain remover works on grass, red wine, ketchup, blood, grease, underarm stains, and so much more. Even the most stubborn stains are washed away! Our favourite bit is that it is made of all natural ingredients - not lots of chemicals like supermarket stain removers!
Link to this wonderful, natural stain remover bar here.
A clean smelling home makes all the difference
What better way to top it all off and thank yourself for all your hard work cleaning and refreshing your home for this Spring. Check out Earth Candle products - each candle / diffuser plants one tree, and better yet, each order you place on Plastics Free goes into funding the retrieval of plastic that are making their way into our ocean.
Check out our home fragrances here.
4. Don’t forget the walls and windows!
People almost always clean their floors but typically forget about the walls and windows (myself included!). Just use a damp towel to wipe down walls and blinds from top to bottom.
Compostable sponge cloths

Wipe off any dust or grease with these reusable sponge cloths. They are made from natural and renewable ingredients that can be composted after use, and more importantly they do not release any micro-plastics or pollution into our water systems! They can be reused over and over by washing them in your washing machine. Super absorbent and durable too.
Link to product here.
And there you have it - our four simple spring cleaning tips that won't harm the planet. Having a Spring Clean this year? Leave us a comment below - we’d love to hear how you get on.
Pssst… we currently have a Spring sale on! Hurry as it won’t last for long!
Plastics Free Team