5 Simple ways to ditch the plastic

1. Say NO to straws
For a mere few minutes of use a straw will take hundreds of years to biodegrade. It is thought 8.5 billion straws are used in the UK every year but guess what, you can drink directly from a cup...with your mouth! If that isn't your bag there are plenty of reusable straws out there, from bamboo, paper, copper or steel.

2. Buy a reusable coffee cup AND use it
In the UK we throw away 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups every year, and less than 1 per cent are ever recycled. Meaning half a million cups are littered every day. Make a simple change by buying a reusable coffee cup. This one only counts if you remember to take it with you!

3. Sign up to a veg box scheme
Fruit and veg survived thousands of years without being in wrapped in plastic, crazy I know right? If you find it impossible to buy 'naked' fruit and veg at your supermarket then try signing up to your local veg box scheme, for fresh seasonal goodies delivered straight to your door. Added bonus eco points for less food miles too.

4. Go Bamboo
Some super cleaver people have been busily recreating your favourite plastic items with bamboo, from toothbrushes to cutlery. Bamboo is an ultra-sustainable wood because it grows super fast, over 3 feet every single day, and once you're done with your item you can pop it in the compost to decompose.
#plasticsfree #shopplasticfree