Black Friday: Consumerism on steroids or time for a great deal?

Black Friday: Consumerism on steroids or time for a great deal?

Black Friday: Consumerism on steroids or time for a great deal?

Black Friday is here, a time of crazy reductions in prices and with the big day around the corner, what are you planning to do?

Here at Plastics Free, we have decided to boycott the sales this year - and here is 5 reasons why you should too.

1. Buying What You Don't Need

1 in 5 people get so engulfed in the 'bargains' to be had on Black Friday that they end up buying products they already own.

Leading to perfectly good items ending up in landfill, or being wasted, as 1 in 10 people do not end up using what they buy on Black Friday.

2. Global Corporations Don't Need Your Support

Most big Black Friday sales support global companies that already make millions in profit and don't need your support.

Instead of shopping with larger companies, why not support your local shops and cafes by getting vouchers to be used when they reopen?

It's a great way to support your local economy, and help those cafes and independent stores you love stay open!

3. Wasteful Packaging!

Unfortunately, most companies still ship with unsustainable packaging!

This means that it can be very difficult, or impossible, to recycle the packaging.

We ALWAYS ship our orders plastic free with easily recyclable packaging.

4. Excess Shipping!

This year, Black Friday in Lockdown means no stores are open to shop the sales in store.

This means a lot of shipping from multiple online shops to our homes!

Why not club together with friends and family if you can, and make one purchase of all the items you need!

This will reduce the amount of trips your post man will make to different houses and save on carbon emissions and packaging!

5. It Doesn't Always Mean The Lowest Prices!

Don't be fooled by the 'low' prices, just because it is Black Friday it doesn't mean that you can't get these items cheaper!

It's time to get your detective hat on, and have a look around at different times of the year, sometimes there are even better deals then the Black Friday sales!

How To Do Black Friday Sustainably

We completely understand if you want to shop the sales! It is a great time to replace things which are broken, get Christmas gifts, or even buy quality items which will last a lifetime!

Buy what you need

Make a list beforehand of what you need and stick to it! Try not to get enticed by crazy deals (we know its so hard) and purchase only things which bring you functionality or joy!

Buy local

Shopping online from local stores in your area, or even your country, will help reduce the miles that your parcel has to travel, and save on carbon and air miles!

Go for quality not quantity

Our final tip is to purchase items which will last, rather then buying lots of cheaper items!

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