Buying clothes in an ethical and sustainable way does not have to cost you extra? These five tips are for all of us who want to save money, but still want to protect the planet 🌏

#1 Don't buy stuff you don't want or need
I know this one sounds all too obvious, but buying clothes you don't want or need is bad news for the environment and your pocket. An estimated £30bn of unused clothing hangs in UK wardrobes, and yet still we shop for more. Avoid temptation by unsubscribing to newsletters, steer clear of boredom shopping and don't shop the sales unless there is something specific you need.
#2 Shop secondhand instead of buying new clothes
One of the best ways to combat the 11m items that go to landfill each week is to buy second hand. Using clothing to its fullest potential reduces the need for new items, which costs the earth previous resources, like water - approximately 1,800 gallons of water go into making just one pair of jeans.

#3 Invest in pieces you'll treasure for a long time
The pressure to produce cheap clothes means that environmental corners are cut in the name of profit. The use of cheap, toxic dyes results in the fashion industry being the second largest polluter of clean water globally. Beat fast fashion by invest in high quality pieces (you can use the money you have saved by shopping secondhand too).
#4 Find your style without following every new trend
More than half of fast-fashion items are thrown away in less than a year. Avoid faddy fashion trends altogether by developing your own style. Invest in a few key signature pieces that represent who you are, and will make you feel great for years to come, not just the next few months.

#5 Care for your clothes in an environmentally conscious way
Only do a wash when you have a full load, air dry, turn the dial down to 30c, and use naturally grown soapnuts as laundry detergent. These will are all better for the planet and make your clothes last longer. The next step after this is to wash your clothes LESS. Fashion designer Stella McCartney has famously has said that she doesn't wash her clothes “If you don’t absolutely have to clean anything, don’t clean it".